HUB Int. Catalogue | Grooming Aids - Brushes - Combs - Stripping - Salon Equipment | Combs
Ref: 1370
Madan M-70 Aluminum Spray Up Comb Neon Green
Ref: 4893
Madan Premium Aluminum Comb M-108 Hot Pink
Ref: 932
Madan Fine/Coarse Aluminium Combination Orange Comb
Ref: 933
Madan Fine/Coarse Ringside Combination Shiny Comb
Ref: 934
Madan Poodle Comb - Rosewood Hangle
Ref: 5099
Comfortable lightweight poodle preparation comb with rosewood flat handle and 21 strong extra long pins. Pins are extra long at 60mm
Ref: 935
Madan 11" Poodle Spray Comb M280K
Ref: 4324
Rock & Ruddle wide tooth Poodle Comb
Ref: 4322
Rock & Ruddle Pocket Grooming Comb
Ref: 4323
Rock & Ruddle Poodle Comb
Ref: 964
Chrome Comb With Black Handle Fine Spaced Teeth P1.
Ref: 966
Chrome Comb With Black Handle Medium Spaced Teeth P2.
Ref: 968
Chrome Coarse Comb With Black Handle P3.
Ref: 970
Chrome Double Sided Comb Medium & Coarse Teeth with Black Handle.
Ref: 972
Chrome Double Sided Comb Moulting & Coarse Teeth, Black Handle.
Ref: 974
Chrome Moulting Teeth Comb With Black Handle.
Ref: 4119
Crown Royale Face Comb.
Ref: 4120
Crown Royale Combi Comb.
Ref: 4121
Crown Royale Poodle Comb.
Ref: 984
Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Face Comb
Ref: 4054
Ferplast GRO 5856 Fine Comb.
Ref: 4053
Ferplast GRO 5860 Fine Comb.
Ref: 4052
Ferplast GRO 5862 Medium Comb.
Ref: 4056
Ferplast GRO 5864 Coarse & Medium Comb.
Ref: 4058
Ferplast GRO 5842 Combination Comb.
Ref: 4289
GRO 5838 Flea Comb With Handle.
Ref: 4055
Kodo Clipper Comb
Ref: 4752
K W Smart Comb Multi.
Ref: 4753
K W Smart Comb Coarse spaced teeth.
Ref: 4754
K W Smart Comb Medium spaced teeth
Ref: 4755
K W Smart Comb Fine spaced teeth.
Ref: 4756
K W Smart Comb. Mini size Face and Ear Comb.
Ref: 3899
Mikki Small Medium Comb
Ref: 3900
Mikki Deluxe Fine Comb.
Ref: 3901
Mikki Large Medium Comb.
Ref: 3902
Mikki Large Coarse Comb.
Ref: 3360
Mikki Straight Back Comb - Medium & Coarse Teeth.
Ref: 3749
Mikki Double Sided Medium-Coarse Comb
Ref: 995
Mikki English Chrome Combination Comb with round back.
Ref: 997
Ref: 2018
Mikki Teflon Anti-Static Combination Comb
Ref: 4448
Mikki Dual Comb for Medium-Coarse Coats.
Ref: 4449
Mikki Dual Handle Comb for Fine-Medium Coats.
Ref: 0276
Mikki Rotating Tooth Anti Tangle Comb.
Ref: 0277
Ref: 0278
Mikki Rotating Tooth Anti Tangle Comb for Moulting Coats.
Ref: 3091
Mikki Flea Comb Soft Grip.
Ref: 4689
Combs out fleas and their eggs, washable for hygiene.
Ref: 909
Extra Large Wooden Handle Comb.
Ref: 4930
Ex-Large Moulting Comb - Round Wooden Handle with Long Teeth. Great for getting out undercoat and dead coat on moulting Dogs and Cats.
Ref: 1597
Long Pin Comb
Ref: 1598
Long Pin Comb Rounded Wood Handle Medium Metal Teeth.
Ref: 1599
Ref: 908
Wooden Frame Poodle Comb.
Ref: 2071
Original Greyhound Comb. Made in Belgium.
Ref: 2072
Ref: 4866
Greyhound Comb Medium (Long Teeth) 4.5"
Ref: 4869
Greyhound Comb Coarse (Long Teeth) 4.5"
Ref: 4871
Greyhound Comb Medium/Coarse (Long Teeth) 4.5"
Ref: 1443
Poodle Comb EX Wide/Long teeth.
Ref: 1825
All Systems Ultimate Metal Comb.
Ref: 1826
All Systems The Ultimate De Matting Comb.
Ref: 1972
Chris Christensens Buttercomb. 7,5" Fine and Coarse Combination Comb
Ref: 1973
Ref: 1974
Ref: 1975
Ref: 3667
Chris Christensens Buttercomb Style 001.
Ref: 3668
Chris Christensens Buttercomb Style 002.
Ref: 3669
Chris Christensens Buttercomb Style 003.
Ref: 3822
Chris Christensen Systems Poodle Comb 004.
Ref: 4656
Chris Christensens Buttercomb Style 005. 7.1/2" Long Tooth Comb.
Ref: 4292
Chris Christensen Snap On Handle for 7.5 Buttercomb
Ref: 5276
Chris Christensen Buttercomb 007 Fine Duel Tail Comb.
Ref: 3235
Chris Christensen Brat Buttercomb 009
Ref: 4654
Chris Christensens Buttercomb 11F.
Ref: 4655
Chris Christensens Buttercomb 11C.
Ref: 1970
Chris Christensens Buttercomb Style 011.
Ref: 4114
Chris Christensen 012 Comb.
Ref: 3236
Chris Christensen Cat Buttercomb 013 NEW!
Ref: 4115
Chris Christensen 014 Comb.
Ref: 2662
Chris Christensen - Poodle Buttercomb 017
Ref: 4291
Chris Christensen Snap On Handle for 4.5 Buttercomb
Ref: 5343
Doggyman Pure Pretty Pink and White Mini Fine and Coarse Comb.
Ref: 5344
Doggyman Pure Pretty Pink and White, Medium Size, Fine and Coarse Teeth Comb.
Ref: 1022
Face and Ear Comb with Short Plastic Handle.
Ref: 1023
Thinning Comb With Pearl Handle.
Ref: 1024
Pearl Handle Fine Comb.
Ref: 1025
Moulting Comb with Pearl Handle.
Ref: 1026
Double Sided Comb With Pearl Handle.
Ref: 3267
Long Comb with Coarse spaced teeth.
Ref: 3609
Economy Chrome Comb.
Ref: 1643
Ref: 946
Hindes Multi-Grooma Comb - Fine
Ref: 947
Hindes Multi-Grooma Comb - Moulting
Ref: 992
English Teflon (black) Combination Comb with round back.
Ref: 993
English CombinationChrome Comb with round back.
Ref: 2582
HUB Int Medium-Coarse Chrome Combination Comb.
Ref: 2583
HUB Int Medium-Fine Chrome Combination Comb.
Ref: 991
English Combination Comb with round back.
Ref: 990
Hub Int. English combination Comb Chrome
Ref: 1792
Combination Comb Highly chrome plated round back with long teeth hand finished.
Ref: 1700
Highly chrome plated, hand finished.
Ref: 1722
Comb Fine Teeth all Chrome with Handle.
Ref: 1002
Comb. Highly Polished Matallic.
Ref: 3665
Ref: 2015
Hub Greyhound Type Comb with Flat Brass Back
Ref: 3298
Mason Pearson Dressing Comb C1.
Ref: 3299
Mason Pearson Detangling Comb C2.
Ref: 3300
Mason Pearson Tail Comb C3.
Ref: 3301
Mason Pearson Styling Comb C4.
Ref: 3302
Mason Pearson Pocket Comb C5.
Ref: 3303
Mason Pearson Cutting Comb C6.
Ref: 3304
Mason Pearson Rake Comb C7.
Ref: 4166
Oster Grooming Comb All Metal.
Ref: 4167
Oster 10 inch Finishing Comb.
Ref: 2459
Miracle Corps Fine Comb with handle..
Ref: 2460
Miracle Corps Grooming Comb
Ref: 1718
Premo Standard Coarse Comb
Ref: 1719
Premo Standard Medium Comb
Ref: 1720
Premo Standard Fine Comb (GR102)
Ref: 1721
Premo Standard Moulting Comb (GR103)
Ref: 1723
Premo Standard Flea Comb
Ref: 2106
Premo Straight Back Medium Coarse Comb
Ref: 2107
Premo Straight Back Fine/Coarse Comb
Ref: 2108
Premo Straight Back Fine/Medium Comb
Ref: 2913
Rolf Hagen Grooming Comb
Ref: 2914
Ref: 2915
Ref: 4161
Rolf Hagen D.I Double Sided Grooming Comb.
Ref: 2918
Ref: 1004
Combination Comb Tooth length - 2.5cm Medium Coarse.
Ref: 1005
Combination Comb Teeth length -3.8cm Medium Coarse
Ref: 4746
The RESCO® Anti-Static Crystal Color Combination Comb combines both a medium and a coarse tooth spacing in one comb. The teeth are powder coated to reduce static and tapered to minimize coat breakage and to get into the coat easier. The ends of the teeth are rounded to protect the pet's skin. Included is a ring that can be attached to the comb so you can hang it. This comb is great for all breeds. Made in the USA.
Ref: 4747
Ref: 2192
Resco Pro Fine Comb
Ref: 1006
Resco New 80 Stainless Steel Comb.
Ref: 1007
Ref: 1618
Professional Comb (600 Series - Black Handle) Fine, Medium or Coarse
Ref: 3260
Resco New Comb. The Maxi, this Comb is a wonderful tool. A must for the long coated breeds.
Ref: 3261
Resco New Comb. The Mini, this Comb is a wonderful tool. A must for the long coated breeds. Pocket Size
Ref: 3262
Ref: 5170
Resco Aluminum Alloy Handle PRO Flea Comb.
Ref: 0768
Spratts 66 Ex Coarse Chrome Comb.
Ref: 1333
Spratts 66 Moulting Teflon Handle Comb
Ref: 2685
Cricket Silkomb Pro-10 Fine/Medium Teeth (tapered at the ends)
Ref: 3434
Cricket Silkomb Fine - Coarse All purpose Comb Pro-20
Ref: 3436
Cricket Silkomb Pro-25 multi-purpose comb
Ref: 3437
Cricket Silkomb Power Comb Pro-30
Ref: 3439
Cricket Silkomb Extra Long Pro-35 Cutting Comb -
Ref: 0769
Spratts 67 Moulting Chrome Comb 2 plus 1 Pins Long.
Ref: 0770
Spratts 68 Moulting Chrome Comb 1 plus 1 Pins.
Ref: 907
English Teflon (black) Handle Comb Flat Back
Ref: 903
English Handle Chrome Comb with flat back.
Ref: 906
English Teflon (black) Handle Comb
Ref: 902
English Handle Chrome Comb
Ref: 905
Ref: 901
Ref: 904
Ref: 900
English Handle Chrome Comb Flat Back
Ref: 899
English highly polished Comb with flat back.
Ref: 898
English highly polished chrome Comb.
Ref: 897
English highly polished Comb.
Ref: 896
English highly polished Flea Comb with flat back.
Ref: 2315
English highly polished Chrome Combination Comb Flat Back.
Ref: 895
Spratts - English Combination highly polished Comb flat back highly polished.
Ref: 2608
Spratts 69 Comb.
Ref: 4932
Ref: 0772
Heavy Duty Blue Metal Comb.
Ref: 2493
Ref: 2390
Ref: 2391
Ref: 887
Super Groom Comb with Handle Size: Ex. Coarse
Ref: 2474
Untangler Super Groom 11.
Ref: 894
Pet Comb - Large Size:17.8cm with Coarse teeth.
Ref: 892
Untangler Professional Groomer 11 Comb Large Narrow back coarse long Rotating teeth, Choose between: 1.25" or 1" Long Teeth.
Ref: 889
Small comb Size:12.7cm with Coarse teeth. Dog/Cat
Ref: 890
Flea Rid Handle Comb Size: Ex Fine.
Ref: 891
Flea Trap Handle Comb Size: Ex. Fine
Ref: 4726
Untangler Kitty Kat Komb.
Ref: 4727
Ref: 2039
Pro50 fine tooth tail comb.
Ref: 4325
This miniature Chrome Combination Comb with round back is perfect for use in the showring.
Ref: 2689
Madan Silicone & Steel Tail Comb
Ref: 3790
8-1/2" Nano Styling Comb
Ref: 3791
Silicon Extra Wide Tooth Cutting Comb - 8-1/4"
Ref: 3794
Finger Wave Tease Comb - 7"
Ref: 3793
Spacer Tease Comb - 7"
Ref: 3792
7-1/4" Sectioning/Long Tooth Penetrating Comb